Friday, 7 December 2012

New binder on its way!!

Well, only the other day I was pondering whether Mulberry made a colourful binder and now one is winging its way to me!
I saw on eBay a crimson Mulberry agenda and thought, “That would solve the issues!! It is the right size* and is brightly coloured. Result.”

*by “the right size” I realise I may be in a minority of thinking A6 is just right. In a Goldilocks kind of way, the pocket filofax size is a bit too small for me and the personal filofax size is a bit too big and a bit too much of a weird height:width ratio, but the A6 sits just in the middle, and has the ‘right’ height:width ratio. And of course, printing things is easy-peasy as it is ¼ of an A4 size.

So, soon I will be the proud owner of a fourth Mulberry (how did that happen…?).

I’ll post pictures once it arrives!


  1. I could be persuaded, depending on what this one looks like...

    1. And? Might still be interested if you want to sell one of your Mulberry's

    2. Hmm... I'm not convinced enough by the red one to part with Indie quite yet. Maybe one day...?
      Happy to keep an eye out on eBay for you though if you want.
