Central to my planning system (which really hasn’t changed
since here), is the combination of a week on two pages diary (for an overview
of the week) and a day per page diary (for more detailed planning).
In Red, I have the glorious Mulberry week on two pages diary
(thank you again Gerard!) in combination with a week of homemade day per page (DPP)
inserts. Why homemade? Well, because Mulberry don’t do a day per page insert
and no other size fits a Mulberry, that’s why. Since I was designing my own
(using a word document of my own and a mail merge with one of the excel
spreadsheets that Steve from Philofaxy and Ray from My Life all in One Place
created), I could set them up exactly how I wanted, and print them out at home.
The page size in Red is A6. Now, I’m not that smart at making my printer print
the correct diary pages back to back if I start with an A4 file and print 4 to
a page, so I designed my diary on A6 to start with. Making A6 paper is easy: just
cut an A4 piece into quarters.
I had used Filofax DPP last year, in combination with the
week on two pages, but as I was working on the design, I realised I could do
more than just make a lined DPP with the correct date at the top. I could add
things I wanted to log each day too!
Hence, my design has a space across the top to note
important things (birthdays etc), timed slots down the left-hand side (for
appointments and time-boxing) and then logging and task-list space on the
right-hand side. As I have made the word file myself (and as I tend to only
print a few weeks of the diary at a time), I can add in other things I want to
log if I want, then re-do the mail merge.
The picture below shows the A6 version on the right and a
pocket version on the left (with a pocket Today marker to give you an idea of
the page size difference).
![]() |
Pocket size on left; A6 size on right |
Why is there also a pocket version??
Ah, because Loki arrived and suddenly, Red feels huge!
Gorgeous, but huge. Again, I’m not smart enough to do the print back to back
for pocket-size paper on my printer, and anyway, I can cut an A4 sheet into 5
pocket-size pages. So again, using the same excel base file and a new word
file, I made my own pocket DPP and printed onto pre-cut paper.
Obviously, there were some changes that needed making as the
pocket size is smaller. I changed the time slots from half-hour to hourly, but
kept the things I wanted to log. In fact, I have more to-do spaces in the
pocket, but I need to write smaller in them!
I am slowly working towards replicating all the pages in
Loki that were there in Red (but I may need to sacrifice a few months of week
on two pages to fit it all in, since Loki has small rings). Maybe this time
next week I will have moved in?
I’ll keep you posted!
Sounds like your move is going well? Love the checkboxes for water consumption and 5-a-day!