Saturday, 3 August 2013

Phew! Life is a TINY bit calmer... and I've changed filofax. Again.

Hello everyone! I am SO sorry that I have been AWOL. We went away on holiday and I decided to take a 'digital-holiday' too - i.e. do nothing digital - no blogs, no Twitter, no email and so on. Anyway, when we came back from holiday, life exploded with busy-ness and I didn't have either time or energy to write any posts.

Anyway, although life is still ridiculously busy, I am going to try and get a couple of blog posts a week written. I have a zillion things to post about - new filofax diary inserts, a filofax flex on its way, more purchases from The Journal Shop and some pen and ink updates!

Right now, as half of you might easily have predicted, I'm back in a Baroque. At times like this, I think I should just sell all the other filofaxes I have because however much they almost work for me, I always, always end up back in one of the Baroques. It's the turquoise one this time. All I did was shift everything, lock, stock and barrel from the wine Holborn to the Baroque, but then, as the Baroque is a bit narrower than many of the personal size filofax binders, the zipped pencil case I use as a cash and vouchers holder stuck out too much. Simple fix, I bought another of the cheap pencil cases (60p from Tescos), sliced the sealed edge off at 10cm width, re-sealed it with washi-tape, punched holes in it and put my cash and vouchers in it. Voilà!

I know you've all seen a zillion pictures of my turquoise Baroque, but here we go - here's another to show you the amended pencil case.

Doctored pencil-case. Works a treat!
I realise that in the picture above it looks like the pencil case, despite being trimmed in its width, is hugely taller than the binder, but it's just the angle I've taken the picture I think. Here's one of the binder closed - the pencil case is invisible.

Baroque closed.

See, no sign of it!

Anyway, my apologies again for being away for so long. Back soon!


  1. Oh, that is a fab idea!

  2. I find using one of these pencil cases so useful :)
