Thursday 26 April 2012

Miss Aston gets even prettier

[Warning - picture heavy]
[click on the picture to see a larger version]
A zillion years ago, I bought card to make new dividers for Miss Aston. Yes, her calligraphy ones are lovely and there was absolutely nothing wrong with them, but I fancied a change.

Anyway, almost as many years ago, I asked you to vote on which card I should use. Here are the original choices and the results of the poll…



No-one liked number 15!

The poll suggests this combination for the dividers…

Apologies for the colour cast - the original pictures are more accurate
Well, if you recall, I also had a caveat in so that if the final combination didn’t look right, I would have the rights to change it (it is my filofax after all). I didn’t like the fact that there was one silver/grey card and one yellow/purple combination, and so I swapped the yellow/purple for  another silver/grey:

Number 7 was only one vote away, and I hadn't actually voted...
Having finalised the choices for the card, I made the dividers. I made each one 9.5cm x 12.5cm which is a little larger than the standard divider size but there is plenty of space in the filofax (and I make my own sheets and frankly it’s easier to make them 8.5cm wide; I get 5 sheets from an A4 page).

As usual, I hand-trimmed the tab side (hence all the curved bits being slightly wonky) and then just wrote on them with a permanent pen. Some of the card is glittery or has foil, making the writing a little less easy, but they look okay.
Here they are together:

And here they are in situ:





 What do you think?