Thursday, 4 August 2011

How fat is your filofax?

[Oh, I know. Another blog post that isn’t strictly about paper, pens or ink, but hey…]

As I was moving my filofaxes around the other day (swapping the contents of one to another) I wondered how heavy they all were. Here are the results!
Out of interest (scientist alert!) I weighed them empty and loaded. Just for interest...

The results!
My personal Baroque weighs 215g un-laden and  602g loaded up. This is my ‘everything filofax’ and acts as wallet and organiser combined, so could weigh more or less, depending on how many coins are in the zipped section.
My personal Portland (Chimwemwe filofax) was a sylph-like  208g un-laden and only 356g loaded (and much of this is currently blank paper). The main weight difference could be due to the lack of a diary in there (as it is a projects only filofax).

As for the three A5 beasts:
The A5 that I use at work (green Finchley): unloaded was 342g and came in at a humungous 1 kg once all the work stuff was in there! It is a pretty stuffed thing, with diary, notes etc. Hadn’t realised it was quite so big though! Thankfully it mostly sits on my desk and only gets carried fairly short distances from office to meetings. It might go on a diet before the new academic year though!

The A5 Finchley book-o-fax: this had originally been housed in the red A5 domino, but then I had so much stuff in my writing filofax that it needed the 30mm rings. It was during the swap-over that I started wondering about the weights!
So the loaded red Finchley book-o-fax comes in at a slender 664g (barely more than the lug-it-everywhere baroque). Need to start reading more!

The writing A5 domino: this clocked in at 852g loaded and 258g unloaded. I’m glad to have swapped all my writing notes into the domino, not least because I needed the space, but also the domino has a harder cover and so I can write in it whilst leaning on my knee, which I couldn’t with the Finchley.

So guys, how much do your filos weigh (loaded and unloaded)?


  1. Interesting! Would you share how you set up and use your writing filo? I'm in the process of getting one for exactly this purpose.

  2. @Sweetspot
    Would be delighted to! I'll add it to the to-do list! Good luck with your writing!

  3. Very interesting! I'm going to get round to finally posting about my Malden & will include both loaded & unloaded weights. I'm getting an A4 Identity for my birthday & it'll be interesting to see how heavy that'll get too :)

  4. Ha - what an interesting idea! Gandhi is supposed to have said that "Action expresses priorities" so maybe the weight of each Filofax section also tells a story.

    My own current breakdown is as follows:

    Filofax Personal Eton - total filled weight = 568g

    Diary 95g
    Notes 78g (Bluenote tab from a spare set. Includes Don't Forget lists)
    Projects 53g
    Information 23g
    Notes 9g (original Notes tab flipped over and used to replace the underused Finances tab)
    Addresses 35g (tiny address list, but filled card holder included here. Also holds some login details).

    Field Notes 3x5 notebook 26g
    YoL pencil 24g
    What's it got in its pocketses - 19g of sundries - stamps, cards, book tokens etc.

    I'm about to set up a bookofax, so this will take some pressure off my current solofax.

    Thanks for posting Amanda - keep it up!

  5. @Gerard
    Thanks for the encouragement!
    I'm intrigued by the field notes book... is this slotted into your filofax or is it punched? And I love the 'what's it got in its pocketses'! :-)
    Will you be posting details anywhere about your bookofax (or any of your FF)?

  6. Amanda,

    The field notes just pops into the full-length bellows pocket at the back of the Eton. I have a couple of other FF binders with similar XL pockets - very handy.

    I'll email you copies of a couple of the templates I'm setting up for the book of books - they're Personal size.
